Father of Green Revolution India's M. S. Swaminathan 1925-23

passed away at the age of he was 98 year, his residence in Chennai on Thursday. Shocking Facts about M. S. Swaminathan: The Man Who Transformed Agriculture in India .

  M S Swaminathan, the father of India's Green Revolution and a renowned Indian agricultural scientist, recently passed away. M.S. SWAMINATHAN born in 7 august 1925 kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu . 

  M S Swaminathan father’s participation in the freedom movement and mahatma Gandhi influence inspired him higher studies in the subject.he also got qualified police officer 1940s. 

M. S. Swaminathan goes graduate Coimbatore agricultural college and Post-graducate degree in Cytogenetics in 1949 from Indian agricultural research institute [IARI]. Post-Doctoral research at the University of Wisconsin. 

 m. s. swaminathan  19 Awards recognitions no other IndiaPadma shri in 1967. Padma bhushan 1972 . Padma vibushan 1989.  Ramon Magsaysay award for community leadership in 1971.  1987 he became the first to get world food prize.  and more list 

.M. S. Swaminathan High-Yielding Varieties of Crops the mid-1960s   .variety seeds, adequate irrigation facilities and fertilisers to Indian farmers in regions of Punjab, Haryana and western Uttar Pradesh.  

HYVs grown during the Green Revolution IR8 (variety of rice), Kalyan Sona and Sonalika (varieties of wheat). Yield Gap It is the difference between the potential or maximum achievable yield of a crop and the actual realised yield for a given area.