Indian government has also approved Rs.76000 crore scheme to boost semiconductor  manufacturing country.

The P.M. Modi  government’s dream of aatma- nirbharta [Self-reliance] for which it has allocated production linked incentives [PLI’s] worth Rs. 2 lakh crore. The market of semiconductors in India is expected to touch $72 billion by 2026.

The global semiconductor industry is currently valued at $800-$1000 billion and caters to the global electronics industry currently valued at about $5 trillion. The Taiwan  and South Korea after India boost the market.

 MOU sing with India and US  for semiconductor supply chain The US side send senior government official to led clean energy and environmental technology business development mission in India 2024.

Gujarat semiconductor policy 2022-27 on 23 July 2023, the policy aim created at least  +20 lakh new employment opportunities over the 5 year. Tamil Nadu, Karnataka & Telangana also added this project.